About Orellis

    About Orellis

    Orellis was born out of necessity.
    When my first-born son, Elisha, was 6 months old, he started having dry patches all over his body, including his face.
    We immediately consulted our pediatrician to seek remedies or to the very least to reduce the inflammation and relieve him from all the itching and scratching caused by his now diagnosed eczema.
    Like many, we were prescribed various steroid-based ointments (cortisone) which had limited positive effects (if any) and made his skin even more sensitive and prone to infections. We quickly realized that we would be more comfortable treating his eczema with natural ingredients.
    After a few months of research, we were able to isolate key natural compounds that would later serve as Orellis’ active ingredients. For Elisha this was the beginning of a better more comfortable life.



    When Elisha was 2 years old, his sister, Orelie, was born. It was around that time that we decided to share our discovery with the world and help others find a natural way to treat symptoms of eczema.
    Orellis was created in a suburb of Montreal in 2013. The formula being already very effective, it still needed some tweaking. So, during the next 5 years we increased our investments in deeper research and analysis to come up with an optimized formula which was first marketed in 2019.
    Along the way we realized that eczema, just like many autoimmune conditions, behaves differently depending on the skin type, nutritional habits, stress and other environmental factors. In order to properly treat eczema, any ointment needs to be coupled with a reduction in stress factors that impact the skin.

    Always R & D

    Always R & D

    It should be very clear that Orellis alone, just like any topical treatment, can not eradicate Eczema. The reason for this is that eczema is an internal condition which also affects the skin. Without a proper holistic approach, eczema will come back. Orellis is here to treat the symptoms when they appear, and it has proven very effective at doing so.
    We were able to help Elisha and so many others on the way and we are proud to make this potent natural formula available to all.
    We have a few products in the pipeline that will join the Orellis family. In the coming months, we will launch a Psoriasis formula and we are currently developing a complete line of Skin care products which will include hand and body lotions, soaps, lip balm and dandruff shampoo, all of them based on natural plant extracts. Stay tuned!